sound designer, composer, director


The most prominent beta tester of the Planet app so far

For me, the encounter was a very important confirmation of my thesis that smartphones and headphones can be used to unlock valuable novel musical experiences. Indeed, here one is experiencing a complete symphonic work in its "full-length" arc. It's a world premiere in a tech-savvy scene that, until now, has rarely gone beyond interesting and curious but brief morsels.

“Brother Eichmann” at the Schauspiel Köln

Cordial invitation to the premiere and the performances of the monologue with the overwhelming JÖRG RATJEN as Adolf Eichmann starting on October 23 at Schauspiel Köln! Info and tickets: "BROTHER EICHMANN" by HEINAR KIPPHARDT DIRECTION: THOMAS JONIGK STAGE & COSTUME DESIGN: LISA DÄSSLER MUSIC/SOUND: MATHIS NITSCHKE DRAMATURGY: STAWRULA PANAGIOTAKI "In 1961, Adolf Eichmann, the…

The island of the gods

Zusammen mit 9 jungen Musiker:innen aus Rumänien, Litauen, Ägypten, Österreich, Luxemburg und Deutschland, allesamt an der Schwelle zwischen gewonnenen Wettbewerben und professioneller Laufbahn, erarbeite ich ein für das Publikum sehr nahbares Konzert, das wir am Samstag 31.7.2021 um 11:30 auf dem Detect Classic Festival in Neubrandenburg auf dem Gelände des Flughafens Trollenhagen spielen werden.

Client music mixing

I love the occasional client music mixing job, especially after having upgraded my speakers and acoustics just recently.

The ninth wave – Ode to nature

Today I made my debut as a noise artist. "The ninth wave - Ode to nature" is a symphony of fabulous sounds, noises, music and film poems about the beauty of nature and the tragedy of the mankind.

A call from the Crescendo Magazin

The crescendo magazine called me. One likes to pick up the phone. We talked about the Inside MPhil App of the Munich Philharmonic. Info:…