sound designer, composer, director



FAQ under construction   Does the app collect data? No, we do not collect any personal data. We log when someone uses the app, but we only store the date and time. This is purely for statistical purposes.…

The sound within the orchestra

The sound impression for the musician in the orchestra is clearly different from the sound impression of the audience. Not only the instruments, but the entire body of sound is designed to resonate with the concert hall and enter into a symbiotic connection with the room. As a listener in the hall, one hears the result of this complex connection. Is it possible to let a listener hear the sound of the musician within the orchestra through media? Report on a 360° Virtual Reality research project with the Munich Symphony Orchestra

Music theatre and Digitality

The change from linearity to non-linearity associated with digitalization is accompanied by a change in the perception of art and culture. We now have the chance to shape our co-existence with the algorithms, not only socially and politically, but also artistically.

MAYA – Documentary

Documentary film maker Felix Hentschel accompanied the production of the Mixed-Reality-Techno-Opera MAYA and held talks with the artists involved. The resulting film (ca. 40 min) illuminates the development of the Maya character and provides insights into the conception of the music and the design of the MAYA augmented reality app.

What will MAYA actually sound like?

About the musical collaboration with Leon Michener aka Klavikon, Jörg Hüttner, Anton Kaun aka Rumpeln, Björn Eichelbaum and the TrioCoriolis for the mixed reality techno opera MAYA.


Occasionally I am invited to give lectures about my work and sometimes I make videos of it. Here are a few examples: About MAYA, Artist Talk @ University of Glasgow, "Now listen to me!", Opera as political expression, the chant as utopia: Happy Happy!

About the development of VERGEHEN (passing)

The Isar river and especially this walk along the Auer Mühlbach and over the Kabelsteg have accompanied and shaped my whole life. Just as the water flows down the Isar - sometimes a little, sometimes a lot - life goes its way. Moments connect with the Isar, every new walk brings back memories of the past. I wanted to make this process tangible in a poetic way.