Most of my current blogging is happening here at the moment: is a new central blog covering artistic research projects related to Machine Learning (= Artificial Intelligence) in theatre and music.
Already in 1990, musical experiments with analog neural networks have been made. David Tudor, a major figure in the New York experimental music scene, collaborated with Intel to build the very first analog neural synthesizer.
I did the sound mixing for this concert video with very unusual music. DUO2KW with Klaus-Peter Werani, viola, and Kai Wangler, accordion, have produced their corona-canceled concert in the schweres reiter for the online stream and address the audience directly in the stream with the composers. Compositions by Morton Feldman, Sidney Corbett, Harald Lillmeyer, Stefan Prins and Philipp Mayer (UA) can be heard and seen. An arc is drawn from the "New York School" (Morton Feldman) to contemporary composition with various forms of electronics and playback (Prins and Mayer).
Justified criticism of the regents mixes with dangerous trivialisation of the virus, existential fear can no longer be separated from the fear of the health risk, highly interesting ethical questions come to a radical head and are buried under a wave of opinions and assertions. Out of this serious confusion - once again - a good book has helped me. I took the crisis as an opportunity to re-read one of the books that is most important to me, "The Modern Death" by Carl-Henning Wijkmark, under the light of the Corona pandemia. Reading it has brought me peace with the restriction of freedom. Read in my personally colored book review why:
How I managed to get an audience for an independent experimental music-theatre piece and enjoyed applying creative entrepreneurial strategies to a publicly funded art project. I hope this report to be inspiring and motivating to fellow theatre makers. An adventure report.
Klaus Mann outlined in his novel the timeless dancing on the volcano and the fall of the glamorous. A panorama of his contemporaries, the artists and intellectuals, children of the gods of the Golden Twenties, who did not want to give up their ecstasy even when swastikas were already flying over Babylon. But above all, the text is a portrait of a famous actor: Gustaf Gründgens. Staging by Thomas Jonigk at the Staatstheater Kassel.
Ambiophonics is a less obscure matter than I thought. At first I thought it was just one of the usual phasiness causing improvements for the worse in the sense of pseudo-stereo, but the technique has real potential. Especially for installations, for example.
Starting from an omnipresent end-time mood, Emre Akal and his team ask for this: "What is it that you are looking for? What comes after the imaginable future, after the collapse of liberal democracy and old Europe as we knew it? In a formally abstract world of images, they let the future rub against the past - always remembering: What are we leaving behind as society today, the people of the future, and will we have learned from our mistakes? What remains of... us?
As a student I had made it my habit not to turn off the music when I left the apartment but the album I was listening to had not yet come to an end. To me it seemed disrespectful towards the music to just turn it off. What was brought into oscillation should be allowed to finish. On the creation of "Small Places", a sound installation for ECM Records‘ 50th anniversary as part of the RE:ECM exhibition at Storage by Hyundai Card in Seoul, Korea, 2019.
I created sound and music for the "experimenta explorer", a VR/AR app for Germany’s largest science center in Heilbronn, the experimenta. The app works twofold – as a virtual stroll through the newly constructed building and as a stand-alone game. In the game mode, players get to find out more about select exhibits while assembling a robot from parts they find/win. With their robot they can play through several levels – all in augmented reality.